
Do you know the relevant skills to generate insights on your business area? Image adapted from openai Dall-E2 Obviously that the basic technical skills are important, the critical thinking and problem-solving too, on other side, be subject matter expert on your area and take attention to details are so critical, and finally, discover how to do data storytelling and develop communication skills complete the list. Are you ready for this journey of insights generation?
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Are you analyzing the behavior of your customer? Image adapted from openai Dall-E2 There are some steps related with the behavior analysis, which be concentrating on get the data, clean and storage them, after do the analysis generating visualization with flexible tools and finally take the decision based on it, offering customization based on customers’ needs and interests. The main benefits of this analysis can be know more your customer, identify trends, anticipate desired features and offer faster innovation. And the main challenge of this analysis is maintain the customer privacy, allied with the data integration from different sources. Are you ready for the next trend of your customer?
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Are you relevant to your client? Image adapted from openai Dall-E2 Considering that relevance means the degree to which something is related or useful, or in other words, it is the ability of a product, service, or brand to satisfy the specific needs and preferences of the customer over time. Some good practices with customers are attention on their needs, personalized experiences, anticipation of trends and focus on innovation. It is also important to offer an excellent customer service with communication centered on the client. On summary, the consistent improvement by adaptability to the change of its preferences and of the general environment to maintain the continuous focus on how can add more value for them. Are you ready for this challenge?  Count with us for it.
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How is your know-how about data? Image adapted from Openai Dall E2 Using the sports car analogy, it is not only important to stay with a fast and powerful car to realize a sports driving way, it is necessary to have knowledge and expert skills of how to drive super cars. In the data environment it is the same, however many organizations are focused too much on the data infrastructure, forgetting to facilitate the business areas to generate more insights from the data. Are you ready to accelerate your insights creation?
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How is the wisdom in the organizations? The wisdom in organizations drives the decisions for long-term outcomes balanced with the expectations of related stakeholders, applying knowledge, experience, and ethical principles to drive the organization, and thereby aligning its values and goals. On this way, it is important to consider collaboration, communication, and transparency in a culture of trust and mutual respect, valuing diversity and inclusivity. Thus are you taking wise decisions?
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How is the knowledge management for you? The knowledge can be Explicit as identified in many documents and data, Implicit that it the application of explicit knowledge to solve an issue and that can be related as “know-how” and Tacit related with the personal experiences and intuitive analysis.            Are you using on a good way all these types of knowledge? Getting value out?
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How is the organization of knowledge in your area? Does everyone understand concepts in general as the same way? Does it really facilitate the collaboration or does it put more obstacles to good communication? Can we talk more about the 5Is process and how we support you on these challenges? Let us know and share your doubts and comments.
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Creating insights

How to create more insights? As shown in the diagram, it is important to focus on the 5 Is to generate more ideas and opportunities to deliver more value to your clients. More details of the concept behind each step are presented in previous posts. Are you ready for your journey?
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How to generate influence? It is not only important to improve something based on new ideas or mindset change, after pass by a growth / stretched zone, it is necessary to keep evolving by discovering new possibilities and not limiting only what has already been achieved before. For maintain also the harvest of future good outcomes, it is essential to connect the dots, like a domino effect in which one piece changes the state of the closer and after the others, then it is crucial that the communication flows and amplifies all the potentials of a deeper transformation. Are you ready to get the network effects of the change?
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